InfoBase Publishers, DACIS Partners, and Tamarack Defense Announce the Debut of DACIS Global Forecasts (DGF)
Dear DACIS Subscribers,
It's human nature to look forward to things. All last year we at InfoBase looked forward to the rollout of FPDS Pro 2, a powerful, graphics-driven re-imagining of our FPDS Pro product. Its debut on January 4th got the year off on a great foot.
But FPDS Pro 2 wasn't all we were looking forward to during the latter half of last year.
Also in preparation was the launch of a ground-breaking new DACIS product whose mission is literally to look forward—to open a 10-year window into $2.1 trillion of forecasted demand for defense equipment in 70 addressable national markets.
Today that product makes its debut at the far right of our gallery of Specialty products in the header which tops this page: "Global Forecasts".
DACIS Global Forecasts (the full name of the product) is the product of a fruitful collaboration with Tamarack Defense. Many of you will not yet have heard of Tamarack, but you will: its principals, Logan Slone and Theo Egan, bring to this venture decades of experience in the sizing and forecasting of defense markets, using modern data science combined with "old school" analytical rigor.
But stories don't begin with technology, they begin with an idea. True story: Logan and Theo's inspiration for launching into this market stemmed from an analysis which appeared in the pages of our DM&A Service on November 24th, 2020. (DM&A subscribers, you can read that here.) So nothing seemed more natural than to bring the fulfillment of their vision to InfoBase. That happened last September. Would InfoBase consider partnering in the market rollout of a massive market forecasting tool, already in an advanced state of preparation?
Not many companies would agree to publish third-party information on their website. But InfoBase takes its own approach to the market. We've always seen the DACIS suite as a "walled garden" of market intelligence, carefully architected and intensively curated. Whether the information was ours or someone else's was immaterial. Everyone profits (InfoBase, our partners, and yes, you our loyal subscribers) when a piece of reliable intelligence is connected to "tell me more" intelligence.
You just read a mission statement. But visionary words notwithstanding, when it comes to external partnerships we've preceded with caution. Nine years in, DACIS Partners has remained what might be called a "hobby" of ours. Tamarack Defense becomes our second Partner company. Working with them has been a terrific experience. A hallmark of hobbies is how enjoyable they tend to be. (If you're curious as to what Michael McNulty, head of Citrin's Government Contracting Advisory Practice thinks of their "launch" DACIS Partners relationship, by all means, ask him!)
It's not my purpose here to extol all the reasons we're excited by the Tamarack Defense partnerhip. For that, we'd invite you to read the press release also published today. But I will say this. The partnership with Tamarack Defense represents a strategic expansion of our portfolio. InfoBase has always been a market intelligence shop. With the Tamarack partnership we're expanding into market analysis. It's a change which has been many years in preparation. It's fulfillment will be paralleled by the evolution of DACIS Partners into something more than a hobby.
And that's all we'll have to say about that for now. These things will take time. At this time, we submit for your consideration the "Global Forecasts" option at the far right of the "nav bar" of our offerings above. If you've longed for a crystal ball which looks into the future of defense markets, while remaining grounded in the firmament of "the industry" which DACIS covers like nobody else, well, your ship has come in. Take a look!
Many of you have already received individual approaches from your account representatives about DACIS Global Forecasts. Some of you may still be on an account rep's "to do" list. But if you're excited about the product and would like to know more, by all means, contact your account rep today, and they'll be glad to get you started. Looking a bit further out, we'll be adding DACIS Global Forecasts to our monthly webinar series.
If you've read this far, I'm assuming that there's at least some interest in our new forecast product! We thank you for that, and for your loyalty over the years. 2024 is off to a great start, and the year has only just begun.
Best regards,

Stuart McCutchan
InfoBase Publishers, Inc.
Feb 1, 2024
Feb 1, 2024