Know Your Customers… and Let InfoBase Help
Dear Subscribers,
"Know your customer". The mantra of advertisers has widespread currency in the world of business—and for good reason. Knowing who you're selling to means you're likely to keep selling to them. Knowing them well means you're likely to sell more.
Customers are commonly listed in M&A announcements. A company will say that it has acquired another company because it adds new customers at the Dept. of Homeland Security, with a new military service, with intelligence agencies. A new customer represents opportunity, growth… even corporate renewal.
With that said, we're happy to report the addition of a powerful new "Related Link" to our Companies database. When you're looking at a description of a company and click the new "Customers" link, you'll see a list of that company's customers. The list is rank ordered, based on the total value of the contracts awarded by that customer since the dawn of our Contracts database (back in 1992, for you industry old-timers).
Another click will show you just the contracts awarded to that company by the customer… or just the programs being performed for that customer. All easily exportable to our ReportGenerator, of course.
We look forward to rolling out more features like this. You see, we too have been making an effort to know our customer. That effort has kept InfoBase Publishers at the forefront of defense/aerospace competitive intelligence for the past decade. And we look forward with pleasure to making your job easier in the decade to come.
Best regards,

Stuart McCutchan
InfoBase Publishers, Inc.
August 5, 2005

Aug 5, 2005