Will the Real Customer Please Stand Up?
Dear DACIS Subscribers,
When it comes to U.S. federal government contracting, a distinction can often be made between the customer awarding the contract (the contracting activity) and the customer who's paying for it (the funding activity).
If you're interested in "following the money" to its source (and who isn't?), you want the funding activity. But more often than not, the government wants to tell you about who's doing the paperwork.
Today I'm pleased to announce the DACIS debut of vital information on dozens of "real customers" in the Pentagon and military services:

  • We've Set Up Records on 39 Program Executive Offices (PEOs) in Our Customers Module. The Department of Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines manage acquisition through Program Executive Offices (PEOs). There are 39 of them in all—and all 39 can now be found in the DACIS Customers module. These organizations fund a vast amount of work which in most cases is contracted for by others. An example PEO that's as interesting as they come: the U.S. Air Force PEO ISR & SOF, which contains the service's redoubtable Big Safari organization.

  • Our PEO Reports Feature Detailed Organizational Information.  Every PEO has Program Offices or Management Activities responsible for a specific set of products or services. Our PEO reports provide information on them all, along with links to the programs on which they're involved. Interested in Army or Navy IT? Check out the U.S. Army PEO EIS or U.S. Navy PEO EIS as examples.

  • We're Showing Where Military Branches are Collaborating, Providing You With an Expanded Set of Potential Customers.  Whether it's the U.S. Marine Corps PEO LS and the U.S. Army PEO CS&CSS working together on the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle or the U.S. Army PEO Aviation and U.S. Navy PEO(A) jointly supporting the CH-60 Knight Hawk, we are showing you where the services are overlapping efforts and allowing you to leverage that knowledge to expand your business.

This has been quite an effort for us, absorbing a couple man-months of an analyst who knows his way around the subject. It will only grow more valuable over time, as we deepen integration with our DoD Budget, Contracts, and Programs modules—and of course that FPDS module I've been referencing in recent emails. In the meantime, enjoy.
Best regards,

Stuart McCutchan
InfoBase Publishers, Inc.
Aug. 10, 2016
Aug 10, 2016