Export Complete FPDS Contract and Task Order Data With a Single Click
Dear DACIS Subscribers,
We've always encouraged you, our loyal subscribers, to suggest ways in which the DACIS system could be improved.
And suggest them you do—by phone, by email, and in person.
But the main avenue for your constructive comments is our worthy Director of Client Relations, Bill Burton, with whom many of you are in touch, either directly (he's a great source of editorial help) or through his excellent series of free monthly training webinars.
The top request you've been making to Bill, bar none, is the ability to export the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) information for the millions of US federal government contracts we have in DACIS.
Today I'm pleased to report you can do that for individual contracts, wherever contracts data appears. And you can export the task orders on indefinite-delivery contracts, too.
I'd encourage you to thank Bill the next time you're in touch with him.
Best regards,

Stuart McCutchan
InfoBase Publishers, Inc.
July 18, 2014
Jul 18, 2014