Dear DACIS Subscribers,
We're delighted to be rolling out an open beta of our first "Focus" product:
MAIQ (Multiple-Award IDIQ).
DACIS subscribers will be hearing a lot more of the word "Focus" in the years ahead. Focus is an initiative which gathers up our holdings on a topic and presents them in a custom interface. Dedicated menus are provided which allow you to search and aggregate information in ways which are extraordinarily useful. And full DACIS integration means that none of the context in which this activity happens—company changes, requirements postings, acquisitions—is missed.
We made the decision to begin providing extensive coverage of multiple-award contract vehicles years ago, when their rising popularity became evident. We are currently tracking more than 625 of these vehicles, with program caps totaling more than $1.3 trillion. They are in use by each of the military services, by all federal government departments, and by a surprisingly large number of smaller independent agencies (who knew that the US Agency for International Development was running 25 separate MAIQs?)
We have opened the filters in our selection of contract vehicles for the MAIQ Focus area. You'll find all the well known procurements like Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions II (EAGLE II), Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) IV, and Solutions for the Information Technology Enterprise (SITE)—but you'll also find lesser-known vehicles for procurements of ammunition, cranes, language services, security equipment and much more.
The Beta
We are offering access to the MAIQ service as an open beta, available at no cost to all of our subscribers. Why? Because it's still a work in progress. We will be adding a number of new reports, export options, and other functionality in the months ahead. You can expect to see more information on task orders and market share. A daily blog (like the ones we offer in Advance | C4ISR and Defense Mergers & Acquisitions (DM&A)) will also be added. So will links to opportunities and FedBizOpps. And the strategic picture will be brought into focus (ah, that word) with a look at who's buying seats at the MAIQ table.
And finally, the most important reason for any beta is to solicit input from our customers. Nobody knows your needs as well as you do. So click that "Send Us Your Comments" link. Help us help you!
How long will the free lunch continue? For six months, more or less, depending on our level of satisfaction with the product. The red letter date on our calendar now is March 10, 2014. But first-time subscribers who sign up for DACIS during the next three months (till Dec. 10) will have access to MAIQ included for the entirety of their first-year subscriptions.
What Other Coverage Can I Expect From Focus?
We believe the future of DACIS is deeper, richer, multi-dimensional coverage of markets. We're working on products for the MDAP (Major Defense Acquisition Programs), Foreign Military Sales, and NASA. Many other ideas are under consideration, and a couple are under development. Custom products are possible. We're pleased to discuss your requirements.
Best regards,
Stuart McCutchan
InfoBase Publishers, Inc.
Sept. 9, 2013