September 11: Remember
Dear Subscribers and Friends,
Some members of the nattering class are already questioning whether September 11 was indeed a day that "changed everything" for the United States and the world community.
But few would dispute that that fateful day has left an indelible mark on the defense and aerospace communities.
We see the changes meted out with two hands—one lifting up the defense industry, one pushing down the commercial aviation industry.
One thing hasn't changed: our industry, now as ever, must be responsive to forces which are beyond its control.
No factor is more important to our industry's long-term prospects than the mettle of our society. Before September 11, America and Europe indulged in a fantasy that the peoples and nations of the world were morphing together into a so-called "global village." And then Islamic terrorists raised their hands and, with hatred honed to a murderous edge, served notice that it wasn't so.
A year later, it is appropriate to ask: will America and Europe relapse into accustomed mindsets?
A year later, it is appropriate for this company to state its policy: we will refuse all subscriptions from any entities affiliated with the enemies of the West or of Israel. This expressly includes the nations which nurture wahabism within their borders.
A year later, and for all the years to come, we must remain vigilant, and we must never forget.

Stuart McCutchan
InfoBase Publishers, Inc.
September 11, 2002
Sep 11, 2002