New DM&A Feature: Comparable Deals
Dear DM&A Subscribers,
I'm happy to announce a significant new feature for the Defense Mergers & Acquisitions (DM&A) service.
On the DM&A Search Page, you'll find a new option under the "DM&A Recent Deals, News & Analysis" header. "Comparable Deals" brings up a listing of categories of deal types, each helpfully followed by the number of deals contained in each. Clicking a category takes you to a listing of all deals in that category.
Comparable Deals is also accessible from the detail screens of individual DM&A transactions. For instance, if you're reading about the General Dynamics acquisition of General Motors Defense, you'll be able to click on the "Comparable Deals" option for "Land Systems-Vehicle Manufacturers" to look at the deal in the context of 17 other similar transactions.
Don't neglect the "Special" category at the bottom of the Comparable Deals categories page. This groups special-case deals like the IPO craze of 2001-2002 and its aftermath, homeland security acquisitions, and more. This is a starter set of categories which will grow in future.
The Comparable Deals feature is in its early days. About 400 deals have been categorized. These include most of the largest deals tracked by the DM&A service. Mid-sized and smaller deals will be added at a rapid clip. We decided to release the page in an unfinished form due to our feeling that even with incomplete data it would still be very useful to you, our valued subscribers.
Another reason for releasing the feature early is to allow for timely feedback. I encourage you to use the email response form at the top of the Comparable Deals page to suggest different categorizations... to argue with our decision to assign a deal to one category and not another... to request that we "flesh out" one particular category... or just to comment on our overall approach. There's a lot of subjectivity in this area, obviously, and a meeting of minds can only bring us closer to ground truth.
Best regards,

Stuart McCutchan
Defense Mergers & Acquisitions (DM&A)
January 13, 2003
Jan 13, 2003