Pro Tip: Read Pro Tips
Dear DACIS Subscriber,
Recently one of our customers told us that "every month we discover new features and new ways to use DACIS". We especially liked that testimonial. When you've spent decades adding feature after feature to your service, it's great to have people discovering those features, one after another. But it also got us thinking. Wouldn't it be even greater if we found a way to tell our subscribers about all the things that make DACIS powerful and in many aspects, unique?
You'll find our answer to that question right on the Welcome page after you log in. The right column is now devoted to "Pro Tips" for features in our various modules.
Each Pro Tip brings to your attention a "power feature" of DACIS—a capability, a search strategy, something—of which you might not have been aware. Our goal is to give you even more reason to be satisfied with your decision to subscribe to the industry's leading competitive intelligence service.
Every time you log in the Welcome Page will feature a new Pro Tip. And if you're the impatient sort, you can toggle through multiple Pro Tips.
Since each Pro Tip is specific to one or another DACIS module, you'll notice that Pro Tips are also accessible within these modules. Just look in the navigation section at left.
We hope you like Pro Tips. If you'd like to suggest one, by all means let our Customer Relations guy, Bill Burton, know (he's on our Contact Us page). This is his baby.
Best regards,

Stuart McCutchan
InfoBase Publishers, Inc.
Apr. 12, 2018