https://secure.dacis.com -- Same Site, Secure Access
Greetings, DACIS Subscribers,
Some of you look to our service to answer some pretty sensitive questions.
As of today, you can ask those questions secure in the knowledge that your interests will be known to you alone.
For the security minded among you, we recommend you bookmark our new, secure URL: https://secure.dacis.com.
Using the secure site will in all ways be the same as our regular site—save only that data sent to and from our server will be encrypted. Be aware that this encryption will result in a slight performance penalty when using the secure website. But to borrow an adjective used by Rolls-Royce in advertising the power of its luxury motor cars, you should still find the speed of our secure website to be "adequate."
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Best regards,

Stuart McCutchan
InfoBase Publishers, Inc.
Nov. 8, 2007
Nov 8, 2007